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The Next Pandemic
crowding tens of thousands of animals wing-to-wing or snout-to-snout—serve as “amplifiers” for viral pandemics.
Animal Foods are Unhealthy
having a higher proportion of essential amino acids, as animal protein does, is actually damaging (not advantageous) for our health. .
Plant Foods Improve Mental Health

On Mental Health from Dr. McDougall's site In some people anxiety, depression, and fatigue are caused by allergic reactions to foods.
It's So Good, Let's Watch It Again.
Gladitors were mostly vegetarians and vegans
The Game Changers is a 2018 documentary film about the benefits of plant-based eating for athletes.
The Science Backs It Up
Eat This Not That
Here is a short news clip about a woman in her 60's who turned around her health going
on a plant-based diet.
Click Here
Dr. McDougall’s Color Picture Book: Food Poisoning - is available for immediate free download in many different languages:
Dr.McDougall on the Food We Were Born To Eat www.tedxfremont.com
What food habits do all great civilizations have in common? John McDougall suggests that starch-based diets are the foods humans were born to eat. He has been studying, writing, and speaking out about the effects of nutrition on disease for over 40 years and is a bestselling author of several titles, including The Starch Solution. www.drmcdougall.com